SOUTHERN LINES | mythical walls, circles on the ground


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASearching for some circles a friend told me, had a lucky moment.

Fitz roy.

These walls were visible for the firts time in several daypatagonia-flowers-chaltens. we know where we are so, feel lucky.

Finally find the circles. also you can see themfrom google earth.

 Happy. I’ve finded the circles he was was co
ncened about, to know what are they. Rumex acetosella is the dark that define the lines. 

No alien theory. May be animals tied  walked around a circle. but you can see them in google earth 

2 Comments Add yours

  1. joshi daniel says:

    the dry grass creates a great mood here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. amulei says:

      thanks! the grasses are so perfect, growing in the steppe, moved by the intense wind of patagonia, like golden waves.
      that’s the spirit of our land, a neverending horizon
      must come!


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